I just put the last of the panels on the greenhouse today. Yesterday was way to warm to get all that we needed to do to finish it all. I think it was 80 and being in the corner of two buildings it was really warm.
I am now ready to move in my few house plants that struggle all winter in the house. Way to much darkness. The lemon tree for one which is new to me needs more light than what I can give it. I think if the heat keeps up I will need to put the shade cloth on soon.
So I am going to plant my seeds this week. I will move in the tables and shelves tomorrow and then start planting. I need to locate the seed starting pellets some where around here. I did not start seeds last year so who knows where everything is now. At least I know where my heat mat is. That is the best gardening item ever. My friend Pat gave that to me a few years ago and it has made such a big difference in starting seeds. I will be posting photos as the seeds grow up. It is such a joy to see those little plants popping up out of the soil and then growing into big and tall plants producing food for our table.
A little progress on the planting situation, I did plant all my onions so they will be taking off soon. With the rain predicted tonight and tomorrow that will be oh so good. They have plenty of alpaca poop to enrich to soil as well.
This warm weather is causing the pomegranates to leaf out and even the dewberries are starting to leaf out. I am happy to see that since I wasn't sure if they made it this past summer. Not sure about one mulberry but the other one is sending out leaves as well. The two peach trees and two cherry trees are planted and are just siting there. That is ok they need to put on roots more than anything else. The two cherry trees are nothing but sticks with leaf buds on them. Time will tell. They have low chill hrs which is good I guess. I know it will be a few years before we see any fruit but it will be fun to see how they do and if they will produce cherries.
Lastly since we are to get rain tomorrow I planted some spinach seeds. I really hope they make it. Not sure how old the seed is. I plan to plant more and I also plan to get some romaine and hot season lettuce in. I know I have seed for that just need to locate it. I hate the fact I put things in a safe place and then realize it is so safe I can't find it. LOL
Photos of the newly finish greenhouse will be posted next posting.
Update on Earthly Gardener
6 years ago