Below you will see a few of my photos of some seedling I potted up several weeks ago. I am sorry that it took me so long to get them posted. I will post some more recent photos of my plants shortly.
The weather is creating issues. We have 90 degree days and then 40 degree days. Some nights we are in the 40's and like tonight and possibly
tomorrow night we will be at freezing. Thank goodness for the greenhouse. We have a brooding light set up in there to help keep it warm at night. I think we are keeping it at least in the 40's. I did place a shade cloth over the roof so that the sun would not bake the new little plants. We have also had to deal with wind. There have been gusts up to 50+ MPH at times. It is a good thing I secured the greenhouse to the house. It has a light frame and plastic cover so one light breeze can blow it over. This is the second year so I am thinking about materials to use to make a more permanent cover. This may add a little weight so it won't blow over.
Yesterday I spent time planting some of the tomato plants I purchased into larger pots. I wanted to get them out of the 4 and 6 packs since I have a little more then 2 weeks before I will consider planting them into the garden. I have about 30 tomato plants right now.
Ok it may not seem like a lot to some of you but it is a lot for us since there are only two of us and most of the people I know have gardens too. So I have some Early Girls, they are good stand
bys for me and do well here. I have 8
celebrity tomato plants also. I haven't grown them since I first started a veggie garden. I had not seen
Marglobe in the
nurseries for years and decide to give them a try also. Of course
Juliets are a must and I am thinking of trying one of them as a
topsy turvy tomato. They are not large enough to plant yet so it may be a few weeks before I can show you mine in its container.
I have a part time job in a nursery for the planting season. I am finding myself tempted by these new to me tomato and pepper plants on the market. So I have invested and bought a few of them. The new to me peppers are Lipstick and
Sheepnose peppers. The tomatoes are Hillbilly, Country Taste, and
Deborao. Had to have the last one since it is almost my name sake. Stay tuned for a report on these as the season goes on.
I plan to get some flowers started during the week but I need to get some more soil. Ran out while transplanting my tomatoes and I need to finish that and then start my flowers. I don't mind if I don't get blooms right away so flowers come second to my veggies.
More later and I will have new photos too.
Happy Gardening