Sunday, May 15, 2011

What a glorious day in May

The past few days have been wonderful. We got at least 1.53" of rain on Wed. into Thursday. That is about the first measurable rain since Sept. The air is cool and dry which makes it perfect gardening weather. Last year I started laying down weed cloth down on the paths in the vegetable garden. And today I added some more. I also put down some bark mulch over the weed cloth. I have two bags left which I will but down tomorrow. I am hoping that this supper duty tough weed cloth will last as long as they said it would. I don't want to have to do it in ten or twenty years. Of course in twenty years I will be 80 so it won't matter I guess.
Everything is growing and starting to produce. The beans have flowers as do the tomatoes. The evening temps have been a bit chilly so I don't expect much from the tomatoes yet. The rain storm we had last week also had some lightening with it and what a difference rain and lightening make in the grown in the garden. The beans grew several inches over night. That extra shot of nitrogen does it every time.
In my last post I mentioned getting some Indian Runner Ducks. They have grown so much in just a week. I wish I had taken their picture when they first arrived but here they are now. Aren't they cute. I still don't know who is male and who is female. I guess it will be awhile before I do know. They do come to my voice which I think is so cool. That means they are getting to know who I am. The lady with the food.

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